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School News

Jennifer's Class Blast Off!

February 2023

The pupils and staff in Jennifer's class have been very busy this month. They have been learning about modes of transport and have constructed an out of this world rocket and a classy convertible car which doubles as a ball pool.

We think you'll agree they have done a fantastic job. And the gang are very generous to share their vehicles with visitors. Thanks guys!

We hope you had a whale of a time driving to the beach and taking off to the moon :D

Well done to all the pupils and staff in Jennifer's room.

Scoil Aonghusa's Award Winning Gardeners

June 2022

The pupils of MM4 were very busy this year. They entered three separate competitions throughout the year and were competing against lots of different schools from all over Ireland. They had to create log books and record what they did and record the progress of each project they completed over the year. They received the highest awards available in each competition. 

1. Woodies Budding Gardeners - the pupils had to create a small garden in school and grow vegetables and flowers. 

2 Incredible Edibles - the pupils were tasked with growing vegetables and flowers, learning about cookery and where our food comes from. They received the highest award going and managed to get the school accredited and recognised as a ‘Gold Incredible Edibles School’.

3. Farm Safe Superstar School status. The pupils visited Marlhill Open farm to see animals, went swimming to learn about water safety, pony riding for animal safety. They learned about farm safety, identifying hazardous signs in our environment, discovered many things about food, growing vegetables and plants. 

Well done to all the pupils and staff in MM4.

Our Virtual Lámh Choir

Take That - Rule the World
21st December 2021


Scoil Aonghusa Fundraiser Launch



 We are going on a virtual tour:
“#aonghusaworldtour - Around the World in 80 Days” 

And we need your help

In order to cover the approx. 40,000km in 80 days we are asking you to:

1️⃣ Run or walk 3km for us
2️⃣ Post your pic using the hashtag #aonghusaworldtour on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter
3️⃣ Tag 3 friends to do the same
4️⃣ And donate at the following link:

As we reach each of our destinations around the globe our pupils will celebrate that country's culture, food, sport and dance and we'll share it all on our social media platforms 

Daisy, our school’s support dog, will lead the charge as our tour mascot.

Funds raised will be used to further develop our school and campus at Cahir Road, Cashel.

We look forward to seeing your photos 🏻 And we thank you for your generosity and support. Together we can make a world of difference 

“Life is beautiful if you are on the road to somewhere.” - Orhan Pamuk

Santa and Mrs Claus Visit Scoil Aonghusa

December 17th 2020

The pupils and staff welcomed some special visitors to Scoil Aonghusa today. Santa and Mrs Claus and their sleigh drivers Paddy and Conor came to the school to meet all of the the boys and girls in the beautifully decorated hall. The pupils even got to travel in the sleigh if they wished. The arrival of Santa and Mrs Claus was even captured by a drone which flew overhead! Christmas Carols rang out from every corner of the school all day long. All of the pupils in Scoil Aonghusa made it onto Santa's nice list of course. Mr and Mrs Claus wished all of the boys and girls and their families a restful and happy Christmas.

Santa's Grotto at Scoil Aonghusa

Halloween at Scoil Aonghusa

October 23rd 2020

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion at Scoil Aonghusa

October 2nd, 2020

Twenty three of our boys and girls received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion on October 2nd, 2020. The Mass took place in St. John the Baptist Church in Cashel and was presided by Very Rev. Enda Brady. We would like to offer our congratulations to Bobby, Lexi F O' M, Simon, Michael, Kyle, Shane, Seán, Amelia, Ben O' L, Aoibheann, Armandas, Danny C, Damien, Calum, Francis, Lexi O' D, Daniel, Danny M, Tomas, J.P., Ralfus, Rory and Ben C.

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